
Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art of Living.


Courses in Slovenia

The foundation in Slovenia organises 1-day, 2-day, 3-day and 10-day courses of Vipassana meditation.

The 10-day courses are open to anyone who would like to learn the technique of Vipassana, which means also to those who have never meditated before. Whereas the other courses are designated for old students only - those meditators who have completed at least one 10-day course with S. N. Goenka or one of his assistant teachers.

The 10-day courses are held in Slovenian and English, while the other courses are in English only.

Upcoming 10-day courses

Pokljuka, 19.4.2025 - 30.4.2025

Applications open on 18th February 2025. Application form is available here.

Upcoming 1-day courses

Kranj, 9.3.2025
Kranj, 13.4.2025

(1-day courses are only for old students - all those who have completed at least one of the 10-day Vipassana courses in the tradition of S.N. Goenka)

The list of upcoming 1-day courses together with the application form is available here.

Previous courses in Slovenia

Vipassana courses have been organized in Slovenia for many years. A list of previous courses can be found here.

Group sittings

We would like to inform you, that regular online group sittings, available for old students, are back.

You can find more information on this link.